Posts tagged ‘easy breakfast’

International Delight Iced Coffee

Good Monday Readers!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! And for my Florida readers I hope you dry out soon! My weekend was a blast. In case you missed the fun:

Welcome to Summer 5K

Saturday was FULL

After a super lazy Sunday of cleaning my house and watching the Lion King with the boys this morning was time to get in some miles. I woke up and hit the treadmill for a quick 20 minute 2 mile session. Nothing fancy just a run. I’m going to be hitting up a group class later today as well.

I’ve been dying to try out my new iced coffee. As a member of Vocal Point from time to time I am asked to try out new products and give my opinions. If it’s coffee it’s for me!

I was excited to try out International Delight new Iced Coffees. New International Delight Iced Coffee is the perfect blend of 100% premium Arabica coffee, real milk and cream with just the right sweetness.  I sampled the Original since my store didn’t carry the Mocha I was hoping for.

It was super easy this morning to just fill up my cup with Ice and Pour! The Original was a prefect balance of creamy and smooth flavor. And it was a perfect addition to my morning fruit! The fruit was left over from my son’s birthday party so this breakfast with the coffee took all of 2 minutes to prepare! That’s my kinda meal 😉 Quick!

My one concern is the amount of sugar and sodium in this drink. Although it was super quick it’s not something I could drink everyday.  I try to drink my coffee black as to not drink my daily calories. At 150 calories per serving this is something to drink in moderation just like any special coffee drink.

Also side not I’m loving my pretty new tumbler! You can’t beat Marshall’s you never know what you are going to find there! My last LARGE tumbler met its end at the hands of my 2-year-old. Apparently they are not equipped to handle the weight of a John Deere Gator. Who knew? 🙂

**As a full disclaimer I was provided a coupon with which to purchase the product and give my complete and honest review of the product.**

Easy Granola

Happy Monday Morning!

I kicked off my morning with a quick treadmill run. I need to recommit to getting my 5k time back under 30 minutes. Today I used the couch to 5k app for a little kick in the butt. I’m working on a monthly plan for June that will concentrate on building my core (mine needs LOTS of work) and speed. Although I’ve been doing much better with daily workouts I haven’t really been pushing myself the way I should.  My philosophy is feeling the BURN this month.  If you missed all the new transitions going on in my life this month you can read more here. One of the many changes will be having more AM time for workouts.

After the sweaty run I enjoyed this fabulous breakfast. Chobani Vanilla, blueberries, strawberries and some granola.


All mixed up in my favorite Mackenzie Child’s bowl! Doesn’t that granola look Delish? I made it myself! Last night I was combing through the grocery store looking for some new granola. When my search left me without any new options I decided to venture and make my own from what I had lying about the ole’ pantry.

Renee’s Easy Granola:

2 cups rolled oats

1/2 cup sunflower seeds

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 table spoon brown sugar

1/2 cup raisins

1/2 cup honey

2 tablespoons olive oil

Set aside the raisins. I mixed these all ingredients together in a large bowl. Make sure all the oats are covered.

Bake at 350° for 10 minutes. Stir the mixture after 5 minutes and continue baking. Once removed from the oven add in the raisins stir and let cool.

Making granola was much easier that I thought. I’m going to have to try out some other granola recipes there is a peanut butter one out there that looks to die for! 🙂